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Windermere Marathon 17 May 2009 Gavin Long reports: A really great road marathon. The scenic course is continuously undulating but considerably hillier than I had expected. Access and parking to Brathay Hall (start/finish area) is appalling, so contact me for info if you ever think about doing this one. I started off at a quicker, more conformable pace, but all too soon yesterday’s exploits caught up with me. I reached halfway in 1:55, but knew it couldn’t last. Really, the District Double was 13 miles too long for me, as I experienced a tortuous section from miles 14 to 21. I couldn’t run the uphills, the downhills hurt too much and there weren’t many flat bits. Subconsciously I’d been protecting my injured thigh, so now everything else started to hurt. By mile 21, there was a light at the end of the tunnel and boosted by my family cheering, I’d stumbled into a shuffle which saw me to the end. 17 runners completed both marathons over the weekend that made up the District Double. I was well and truly out of my depth, as confirmed by my 13th position, more than 2 hours behind the winner who clocked 3:12 & 3:21. Verdict – two marathons in two days is NOT as tough as it sounds, but I don’t think I’ll be repeating the challenge. |