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Great North Run

20 September 2009

Gavin Long reports:

The Great North Run is a fantastic event.

I know that it doesn’t suit everyone, but if you forget about PBs and treat it as a carnival, then it really is a great day.

My race preparations were a little unorthodox. I hadn’t run more than 6 miles for weeks and perhaps I enjoyed Saturday night’s party a bit too much. When the alarm went off at 2.30am, we had only come home 3 hours earlier.

I could have coped with all of this if it hadn’t been for the extraordinary decision to run in a wetsuit. Given different weather, it might have been OK, but on a remarkably hot morning in Tyneside, 3mm neoprene was tortuous.

The swim cap was discarded after just one mile as I made slow progress through the congestion. By mile 3 I was sorely regretting my costume choice. By mile 6, I made the wise (not a word I often use about myself) decision to strip off (not a pretty sight) and run the remainder with the wetsuit flopping around my waist. The damage, however, had already been done. The final 7 miles were cooler and far more enjoyable, but it wasn’t as much fun as usual.

The conditions were taking their toll and it was horrible to see so many people suffer. Even in the final 200m, three separate runners had collapsed and were receiving treatment. I finally crossed the finish line, about a kilo lighter and absolutely drenched in sweat. Maybe I’ll just stick with a coloured wig next year.

I am in debt to Simon who did all of the driving and put up with my moaning about my aching knee.